Organised by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Students Activities Sub-Committee, and IEEE Guangzhou Section YP Affinity Group
1:20-3:50pm (Singapore time, UTC+8), Dec. 5th, 2022.
Seminar Room 3-4, SOA Level 3
Chair: Prof. Huanhuan Chen, University of Science and Technology of China
Activity Aim & Talks
In this activity, two speakers will share their experience and suggestions of writing research papers and grant proposals, followed by Q&A.
Talk: How to Write Research Paper
Speaker: Dr. Yi Mei, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Abstract: Now you have got the promising results of your brilliant idea - exciting! But writing it up could be strenuous and challenging. I felt the same when writing my first papers. In this talk, I will share my experience on writing research papers, the mistakes I made and lessons I learned. Some of them also come from my experience as a reviewer/supervisor when reviewing papers of various styles. There is no universal standard or guideline to write good research papers, but hope my sharing could help increase the chance of your papers to get accepted.
Talk: Managing Research Interests and Activities
Speaker: Dr. Carola Doerr, Sorbonne Université, France.
Abstract: A difficult challenge in research is to chose the right questions on which we spend our time. We also need to decide which collaborations we actively maintain, which proposals we write, which events we help organize, which conferences and which presentations we attend, etc. In this session we will discuss strategies to make conscious decisions, and how to find a good balance between all the many activities that are requested from a researcher.
Activity Co-chairs
Dr. Jialin Liu, Southern University of Science and Technology, China.
Dr. Chao Qian, Nanjing University, China.
Meet the Speakers

Yi Mei is an Associate Professor at the School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand. He received his BSc and PhD degrees from University of Science and Technology of China in 2005 and 2010, respectively. His research interests include evolutionary computation and machine learning for combinatorial optimisation, hyper-heuristics, genetic programming, automatic algorithm design, and explainable AI. He is an Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, an Associate Editor of International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation and International Journal of Automation and Control, and a guest editor of a special issue of the Genetic Programming Evolvable Machine journal. He has organised a number of special sessions in international conferences such as IEEE CEC.

Carola Doerr , formerly Winzen, is a permanent CNRS researcher director at Sorbonne Université in Paris, France. Carola's main research activities are in the analysis of black-box optimization algorithms, both by mathematical and by empirical means. Carola is associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization (TELO) and board member of the Evolutionary Computation journal. She was program chair for PPSN 2020, FOGA 2019 and the theory tracks of GECCO 2015 and 2017. She has organized Dagstuhl seminars and Lorentz Center workshops. Her works have received several awards, among them the CNRS bronze medal, the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society, best paper awards at EvoApplications, CEC, and GECCO.